Giving Thanks + New Ideas!
Well, as I sit here completely stuffed and incredibly comfortable, all I can think about is what a crazy year it's been. And I'm not even talking about the political noise that we've all endured following this remarkable election cycle!
I know that we've certainly had lots to be thankful for! We moved to a new house in a fantastic new community, and I'm going to spend the next few weeks trying to get to know as many of our new friends and neighbors. I jotted down a few ideas for names of a new personal blog, but I think I like "OnlyKentlands" the best.
I'm envisioning a mix of news, and trivia, and photos, and highlights that can try to capture how cool it is to be living here. And yeah, there will probably be a good bit of commentary from me too! But hey, that's the whole point of a personal blog! And yes, it is a bit more suburban than living in the heart of downtown, but that was the whole point of moving!
Everyone is friendly and helpful and for the first time in a while we very much feel the sense of community we felt while living abroad. It isn't Sydney by any stretch of the imagination, but that doesn't mean that it isn't awesome in its own way. So far, we love every minute and I think that this blog will help me keep track of why --- while maybe getting to know some more of our fellow Kentlands neighbors.
More to come soon! .... '' --- I think I like the sound of that!
- Yianni